(Parts on Order Jobs Start at: 9:25)
How it Works:
Our system will automatically send an alert to the team if a job with a “Parts on Order” tag in Service Titan has not been updated within a specified time frame. This alert serves as a reminder for the team to check the status of the part with the vendor and ensure that the customer is kept informed about the progress of their job. By continuously monitoring jobs on hold with the “Parts on Order” tag, we can help your team stay organized and on top of outstanding orders, ultimately improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Why it Works:
Our Alerts feature helps keep your team on track with parts orders. When a part has been on order for a certain amount of time (e.g. 3 days), the team will receive an alert reminding them to follow up with the vendor and update the customer. This is especially useful when you have a long list of jobs with parts on order and are busy with other tasks. The alert will pause for another 3 days after someone updates the job notes and then resume if there is no further activity. This feature not only helps prevent parts from being forgotten but also provides transparency to upper management. They can easily see the status of jobs without having to individually open each job in Service Titan, allowing them to focus on more important tasks. All of this information is conveniently displayed in a single action card in the specified channel.
Added Benefits:
High-level accountability with “got it” button
Easy Tracking
Easy Reporting
See it in Action Here:
Once purchased, you will be contacted by e-mail within 24 to 48 hours with the next steps in setting up your integration.
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